20th of september 2011

I don’t feel well right now, but i think i have to still write about what did i learn today. So i’ll start with FTS padat(formulation and technology of solid dosage form). It learned about fast dissolving tablet today. From its name you can guess what kind of drug it is. Yep, it is dosage form that easily to dissolve at the mouth cavity. Just like “arum manis or kembang gula”. I learned about ideal FDT, method to make it and evaluation of this drug. The easiest way to produce FDT is by adding superdisintegrant exsipient . the other method mostly by creating porous tablet so it can absorb water quickly and make it faster to disintegrate.. at the afternoon i’ve got farmacology. We talked about way for giving drug and absorption. Depend on its absorption, way giving drug divide into 2 which are intra vascular(no absorption) and extra vascular(must through absorption). According into is it through digestive way or not, it can divide into 2: enteral(throgh digestive way) and parenteral(don’t). I also learnd about drug destiny in human body. In plasma there are free drug and drug which bind with protein (D-P). D-P does’t has pharmacology effect, but it can influence drug effect quantitatively.  Free drug can go into tissue and finally having interaction with reseptor so it can giving pharmacology effect. It can also having metabolisme and finally excrete from our body.  If a lot of drug having bind with protein(D-P) so there are less free drug and less that can go into tissue too. That’s why it influence quantity of the drug effect. At 3.30 i’ve got pharmacokinetic. Today it was about what is this subject  for. It also learned about kinetics reactions again, such as michaelis menten  equation.. ah, honestly i learned a lot today. But i can’t write because my head is dizzy.. hah, ganbarimasu for tomorrow!!


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