19th of september 2011
Monday again!! And finally today i registered to be assistant. Hoho.. what did i learn today?? At 11 am i’ve got analitical chemistry 2. It still about spectrofotometry. White light in reality is a polichromatic light. It consist of the red, orange,yellow, green, blue, and violet which is monochromatic light. Every light has their own wavelength and shorter it, more energy it has. Why we can see color?? It because there’s light and the matter can absorb and reflect it. If we see something yellow, it means that it absorb violet-blue light and we can see yellow as the color of the matter. We also learn about cuvet, now i can understand why it really expensive. It because it made by matter that can transmitt light and just a liitle bit absorb the light. Why?? Because we want to analize concentration of the matter by knowing how much it absorb the light. So you can imagine, if the cuvet(sample container for spectrofotometre) absorb the light a lot, then matter only can absorb a llittle and the analisis won’t be accurate. Why should the matter absorb the light?? They need it for electron transition or rotation or vibration. They can absorb light in the certain wavelength and depend on its structure. At 1 pm i’ve got social pharmacy. It still about profession, pharmacist is the only proffesion that got 8 star. Wow, i’m proud to be pharmacist.. at 3 pm i’ve got radiopharmacy. We use calculator now to count about intensity radiation and specific activity too. We a little bit flash back into senior high school lesson about radioactivity. Like if alpha radiation have 2 atom number and 4 mass number, betha have -1 charge and no mass number, gamma behave as a ray not as particle and so on. Well, i’ve got news that next week because of lustrum, i will go to campus but there is no lecture. Wow..
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