6th of october 2011

Still sleepy.. wkwkwkwk..medicinal chemistry was about chemical aspect of sulfonamide and anti malaria.. sulfonamide only can having antibacterial effect if their amino group is free. Even if they haven’t, as long as there is enzim that can disentangeled it , and make it has amino free group, it won’t be a problem. Sulphon group have metabolism of being antagonis of PABA. It’s structure is like PABA so it can be a fake substrat for the mechanism of turning PABA into dihidrofolat which is step in making DNA. While antimalaria having action in 2nd phase when the dihicrofolat is turning into tetra hidrofolat for making DNA too. Sometimes, 2 of this drug combine for better result. I got microbiology too, it’s not really different than last week’s  lecture.  Welll, i’m lazy to write.. have to do the other.. whahahahaha


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