29th of september 2011
I had a practical work of microbiology this morning. It was about morfology observation of microorganism like bactery, fungi and yeast. I think i’m not good enough in using microscope.. it really bad, hahahaha.. well, just there is 1 lecture today which was microbiology. I felt really sleepy as usual(this subject really boring, i think!!). we talked about bactery growth. As far as i understand, microorganism need some condition to growth, such us optimal temperature, right pH, nice nutrient and of course a medium that can giving it all. We also learned about growth phase. There are 4 phase, that are: lag phase(adaptation phase), exponential phase(when cell having binary vision and produce primer metabolite), stationary phase(when amount of grow and die cell equal) and death phase. Important phase for pharmacy subject is stationary phase. Why? Because it is a phase when cell produce sekunder metabolite like antibiotik. At the end of lecture we talked about measurement of microorganism.
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