alice nine,part I
I like japanese music, especially visual key.. well, you can’t say that i’m a freak one, because honestly i’m just listening to some of them. I’m just listening to alice nine, vivid, sug and the gazzete.
I’m a fan of alice nine, i have most of their song in my netbook and ipod. It’s the first time i’m being fan of a band this long. And i still follow their depelopment.. the first song that made me like this band is sleepwalker. At first i think, what the h**l with this band? Wearing make up, looks like girls and their song is not easy listening at all. But when i listened more and more, i become more and more interesting too. Hey, their song is great!! And they really cute and handsome too.. i become really like this band. I like their vocalist too, my lovely shou chan!! I ever write about him in this blog too. What i really like from this band beside their song is the way they inspire me. I like to read their interview, i like watching their show , their so funny!! And inspiring!!
I ever like many bands before, but none can make me stay interesting more than 2 months . i will find something that i don’t like from that band, or else, i’m getting bored. Alice nine is an exception.. J everytime i feel a little bit bored about them, i will excited again just because watching their show , or listening to their new song, or reread their past interview.
I hope, alice nine will still depelope, and grow become such a big band(now, they do! But maybe being greater?), will survive for many years then.. i love alice nine!! I’m a number six!!
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